Wednesday, 30 December 2009


We held casting sessions for two days; 25th & 26th of December. We initially planned to have only one casting session, but the turn out was crazy! We had about 80 students & actors that signed up for auditions. There were so many of them that I was afraid I'm not gonna be able to audition them all in time. We barely managed in the end.

I met so many different characters, recorded them too! Some were downright hilarious, some were talented but had low confidence level, some were slapstick and over the top. Even the kid who did the Malaysian voice-over of Squidward came to audition! I wish I could post the auditions up here but I am currently fumbling with time that I haven't got the time to capture, edit and upload the footages yet.

We've got the final cast line-up now, here are some of their mugshots:

Che Ku Ashraf as ADHI

Ewan as Johan (Joe)

Joe Haziq as SENIOR 1

Akashah Basharudin as SENIOR2

Zuheir Zulkiefly as SENIOR3

They are now going through rehearsals and getting ready for the 4th January shoot.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Meeting with Sponsors

We had a three hour meeting with the sponsor today. I would say it went pretty well. Just got an email attached with the minutes from Fatin. Have a read, it says every single thing that went down.

(You might wanna enlarge them by clicking on them first)

I think I've got a pretty damn good Production Manager working for me!