I always knew what I wanted to make of Kiamu!!! once it's ready:
1. Enter festivals
2. Make it Viral - See: 'Gadoh' (2009)
Since Malaysia have this ridiculously strict censorship system, Malaysian's grew an affinity towards radical films. Despite being banned by the censorship board (LPF), 'Gadoh' gained viral success through Youtube. Receiving an average of about 30,000 views.
For a low budget film, it achieves what most low-budget filmmakers wants to achieve most - a massive audience.
How did they do it?
Well, obviously...the internet. That's why I've forked out another RM240 (£50) for website datahosting:
My aim is to use this website as means of promoting the film prior to it's release, and ultimately (once the film is no longer entering festivals); to enable people of downloading the film directly from the website. I have enough storage space on the server to upload a few formats of decent quality copies. I'll also be uploading it on youtube (since Malaysians are [as of the rest of the world] really fond of it :P).
So will it get the 30,000 hits then? Well I definitely hope so.